seasonal unemployment - serve with ... writ of summons
- sell a year out
- sell against the box
- sell at ... auction
- sell at ... discount
- sell at ... loss
- sell at ... sacrifice
- sell at a premium
- sell at best
- sell back
- sell below cost
- sell by auction
- sell by order of ... court
- sell by weight
- sell currency spot
- sell date
- sell down
- sell elsewhere
- sell for ... fall
- sell for consumption off the premises
- sell for fall
- sell for foreign currency
- sell for forward
- sell for forward delivery
- sell for the account
- sell for the settlement
- sell forward
- sell hedge
- sell high
- Sell limit order
- sell off
- sell on ... exchange
- sell on account
- sell on close
- sell on closing
- sell on consignment
- sell on credit
- sell on forward terms
- sell on margin
- sell on opening
- sell on sample